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Henan-made oversized steaming and frying cooker exported to Achinsk, Russia

Source:dahe | 2024-04-26 10:15

Henan-made oversized steaming and frying cooker exported to Achinsk, Russia


"Have you ever seen a steaming and frying cooker this large? The seven-layer steaming and frying cooker for grease extraction, manufactured by Henan Yongle Grain and Oil Machinery Co Ltd measures 4 meters in length, 3.2 meters in width, stands at 7.346 meters in height, and weighs 26 tons. It serves as a crucial component in the grease extraction pretreatment equipment used in large-scale grease processing plants. Through steaming and frying, it alters the state of oil plants, facilitating easier grease production."


These cookers will soon be available in global markets. At around 10:40 on April 18, a TIR vehicle from Henan Ruichi Logistics Co., Ltd. departed from Zhengzhou Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone in the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone, carrying the cooker bound for Achinsk, a city in eastern Siberia, Russia. The journey, spanning over 6,000 kilometers, is expected to take 6 days.


It reflects the rapid development of TIR logistics in Henan.


On February 20, 2023, the TIR cross-border road freight route from Zhengzhou to Moscow was officially inaugurated. It marked a significant milestone as the first instance of a Chinese truck transporting cargo to another country under the TIR agreement, thereby establishing a new logistics corridor initiated by Henan on the Eurasian continent. Subsequently, Henan's TIR freight service has gained substantial momentum, positioning itself as a pioneer in the realm of cross-border road logistics.


According to Ouyang Liangyuan, Deputy Director of Xinzheng Customs, as of present, Xinzheng Customs has supervised 248 international road transport vehicles carrying a total of 3224.7 tons of cargo. Notably, approximately 70 percent of the Chinese trucks operating in this capacity are under the TIR agreement, effectively establishing a secure and efficient international logistics channel benefiting over 120 enterprises.


On March 11, Henan Ruichi Logistics Co Ltd achieved a milestone by completing China's inaugural TIR transport of oversized cargo, addressing the challenge of transporting such cargo via containers. Considering both efficiency and risk factors, TIR transport has emerged as a viable solution for facilitating the export of products manufactured in Henan. Xie Weiguang, General Manager of Henan Ruichi Logistics Co., Ltd., highlighted that as the TIR oversized cargo transport service matures, various products including Jiaozuo's steaming and frying cookers, Xinxiang's vibrating screens, Luoyang's tractors, computing equipment from Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, and even new energy buses from Zhengzhou Yutong Group can be transported globally using TIR vehicles.

3月11日,河南瑞驰物流有限公司完成全国首票TIR大件货物运输,解决了大件货物无法使用集装箱运输的难题,综合考量运输效率、运输风险等因素后,成为“河南造”走出国门的“新选项”。瑞驰物流总经理谢伟光说,随着TIR大件货物运输模式越来越成熟,不仅是焦作的蒸炒锅,新乡的振动筛、洛阳的拖拉机、郑州航空港的算力设备……甚至整台的宇通新能源客车,都可以搭乘TIR走出国门。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/杨凌赵同增 编译/杨佳欣 实习生/邱昌琪 李凯 审校/李文竞)

Web editors: Zhang Rui, Su Fangda


Henan-made oversized steaming and frying cooker exported to Achinsk, Russia

dahe2024-04-26 10:15

Henan-made oversized steaming and frying cooker exported to Achinsk, Russia


"Have you ever seen a steaming and frying cooker this large? The seven-layer steaming and frying cooker for grease extraction, manufactured by Henan Yongle Grain and Oil Machinery Co Ltd measures 4 meters in length, 3.2 meters in width, stands at 7.346 meters in height, and weighs 26 tons. It serves as a crucial component in the grease extraction pretreatment equipment used in large-scale grease processing plants. Through steaming and frying, it alters the state of oil plants, facilitating easier grease production."


These cookers will soon be available in global markets. At around 10:40 on April 18, a TIR vehicle from Henan Ruichi Logistics Co., Ltd. departed from Zhengzhou Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone in the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone, carrying the cooker bound for Achinsk, a city in eastern Siberia, Russia. The journey, spanning over 6,000 kilometers, is expected to take 6 days.


It reflects the rapid development of TIR logistics in Henan.


On February 20, 2023, the TIR cross-border road freight route from Zhengzhou to Moscow was officially inaugurated. It marked a significant milestone as the first instance of a Chinese truck transporting cargo to another country under the TIR agreement, thereby establishing a new logistics corridor initiated by Henan on the Eurasian continent. Subsequently, Henan's TIR freight service has gained substantial momentum, positioning itself as a pioneer in the realm of cross-border road logistics.


According to Ouyang Liangyuan, Deputy Director of Xinzheng Customs, as of present, Xinzheng Customs has supervised 248 international road transport vehicles carrying a total of 3224.7 tons of cargo. Notably, approximately 70 percent of the Chinese trucks operating in this capacity are under the TIR agreement, effectively establishing a secure and efficient international logistics channel benefiting over 120 enterprises.


On March 11, Henan Ruichi Logistics Co Ltd achieved a milestone by completing China's inaugural TIR transport of oversized cargo, addressing the challenge of transporting such cargo via containers. Considering both efficiency and risk factors, TIR transport has emerged as a viable solution for facilitating the export of products manufactured in Henan. Xie Weiguang, General Manager of Henan Ruichi Logistics Co., Ltd., highlighted that as the TIR oversized cargo transport service matures, various products including Jiaozuo's steaming and frying cookers, Xinxiang's vibrating screens, Luoyang's tractors, computing equipment from Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, and even new energy buses from Zhengzhou Yutong Group can be transported globally using TIR vehicles.

3月11日,河南瑞驰物流有限公司完成全国首票TIR大件货物运输,解决了大件货物无法使用集装箱运输的难题,综合考量运输效率、运输风险等因素后,成为“河南造”走出国门的“新选项”。瑞驰物流总经理谢伟光说,随着TIR大件货物运输模式越来越成熟,不仅是焦作的蒸炒锅,新乡的振动筛、洛阳的拖拉机、郑州航空港的算力设备……甚至整台的宇通新能源客车,都可以搭乘TIR走出国门。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/杨凌赵同增 编译/杨佳欣 实习生/邱昌琪 李凯 审校/李文竞)

Web editors: Zhang Rui, Su Fangda