Dragon dance at Henan's temple fair creates naked-eye 3D effect

Source:HICC | 2024-02-20 11:08

Recently, a tourist traveling in Jiaozuo City of Henan Province posted a short video online, showing that the dragon dance at a temple fair held in Henan created a 3D effect for the naked eye. Many people commented online, "Is that a real dragon? It's so vivid!"

Web editors: Li Xiaoshu, Zhang Rui


Dragon dance at Henan's temple fair creates naked-eye 3D effect

HICC2024-02-20 11:08

Recently, a tourist traveling in Jiaozuo City of Henan Province posted a short video online, showing that the dragon dance at a temple fair held in Henan created a 3D effect for the naked eye. Many people commented online, "Is that a real dragon? It's so vivid!"

Web editors: Li Xiaoshu, Zhang Rui