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Zhengzhou provides Schengen Visa application services

Source:HICC | 2023-12-17 12:53

Zhengzhou provides Schengen Visa application services

A direct passenger route Zhengzhou-Luxembourger to open


With the commencement of direct flights between China's Zhengzhou City and Luxembourg on December 21, the first batch of passengers taking the inaugural flight have got their Schengen visa approved on December 16 in Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Visa Application Facilitation Office. The Office located in Zhengdong New District can provide the residents in Henan province as well as nearby regions a one-stop service including information checks, visa processing, direct flight booking, etc.


On April 16, 2018, Henan Civil Aviation Development & Investment Group (HNCA) launched the Luxembourg Tourism Visa Delivery Service (Zhengzhou) platform. Following the changes in EU policies on Schengen visas, the service platform was renamed Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Visa Application Facilitation Office which has provided visa consultation and processing services to approximately 7,000 residents.


According to the flight schedules, Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Visa Application Office has increased the frequency of visa processing, expanded the types of visa application, and provided more facilitation services,  which means it can process applications for tourist visa, business visa, student visa, and family visitor visa as well as notarization/certification.

12月21日,郑州-卢森堡将开通直飞客运航线。目前,便捷工作办公室也根据郑卢航线班期增加了签证办理的频次和密度。较之前扩大了签证受理范围,增加到世界各地签证便利化服务。今后不仅可以在此办理旅游、商务、研学、探亲等各种签证,还可同时办理公证、认证等其他综合服务。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/董娉 郭北晨 编译/童林 审校/丁岚)

Web editors: Shen Jianqi, Tong Lin


Zhengzhou provides Schengen Visa application services

HICC2023-12-17 12:53

Zhengzhou provides Schengen Visa application services

A direct passenger route Zhengzhou-Luxembourger to open


With the commencement of direct flights between China's Zhengzhou City and Luxembourg on December 21, the first batch of passengers taking the inaugural flight have got their Schengen visa approved on December 16 in Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Visa Application Facilitation Office. The Office located in Zhengdong New District can provide the residents in Henan province as well as nearby regions a one-stop service including information checks, visa processing, direct flight booking, etc.


On April 16, 2018, Henan Civil Aviation Development & Investment Group (HNCA) launched the Luxembourg Tourism Visa Delivery Service (Zhengzhou) platform. Following the changes in EU policies on Schengen visas, the service platform was renamed Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Visa Application Facilitation Office which has provided visa consultation and processing services to approximately 7,000 residents.


According to the flight schedules, Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Visa Application Office has increased the frequency of visa processing, expanded the types of visa application, and provided more facilitation services,  which means it can process applications for tourist visa, business visa, student visa, and family visitor visa as well as notarization/certification.

12月21日,郑州-卢森堡将开通直飞客运航线。目前,便捷工作办公室也根据郑卢航线班期增加了签证办理的频次和密度。较之前扩大了签证受理范围,增加到世界各地签证便利化服务。今后不仅可以在此办理旅游、商务、研学、探亲等各种签证,还可同时办理公证、认证等其他综合服务。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/董娉 郭北晨 编译/童林 审校/丁岚)

Web editors: Shen Jianqi, Tong Lin