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Henan in Poetry⑦丨Liu Yuxi, Elite of Poetry

Source:dahe.cn | 2023-09-26 10:05

  Henan in Poetry⑦丨Liu Yuxi, Elite of Poetry

Since olden days we feel in autumn sad and drear

But I say spring cannot compete with autumn clear

On a fine day a crane cleaves the clouds and soars high

It leads the poet's lofty mind to azure sky



Liu Yuxi (772-842) was a well-know poet of the mid and late period of Tang Dynasty (618-907), and also a litterateur and philosopher of the Tang Dynasty, born in Luoyang city of Central China's Henan province. When Liu Yuxi was frustrated, he always wrote poems to manifest his positive and broad-minded characters, thus earning the reputation of "Elite of Poetry".


With the well-known family background, Liu Yuxi, who was smart and hard-working since his childhood, had learned classics on Confucianism, medicine and astronomy written by Chinese philosophers in ancient time. In later years, Liu Yuxi returned to Luoyang to spend his old age. Bai Juyi, also a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, also lived here. Bai Juyi said with a sigh that time passed easily, and he was already an old man. Therefore, he wrote a poem to Liu Yuxito express his sadness.

刘禹锡出身世家,从小就聪明勤奋,熟读儒家经典和医药、天文等诸子百家方面的书籍。晚年的刘禹锡回到洛阳生活,著名诗人白居易也在这里生活。白居易感叹时光飞逝,年华已去,因此还曾写诗向刘禹锡述怀。(杨佳欣 周金淼)

Web editor: Li Xiaoshu, Zhang Rui


Henan in Poetry⑦丨Liu Yuxi, Elite of Poetry

dahe.cn2023-09-26 10:05

  Henan in Poetry⑦丨Liu Yuxi, Elite of Poetry

Since olden days we feel in autumn sad and drear

But I say spring cannot compete with autumn clear

On a fine day a crane cleaves the clouds and soars high

It leads the poet's lofty mind to azure sky



Liu Yuxi (772-842) was a well-know poet of the mid and late period of Tang Dynasty (618-907), and also a litterateur and philosopher of the Tang Dynasty, born in Luoyang city of Central China's Henan province. When Liu Yuxi was frustrated, he always wrote poems to manifest his positive and broad-minded characters, thus earning the reputation of "Elite of Poetry".


With the well-known family background, Liu Yuxi, who was smart and hard-working since his childhood, had learned classics on Confucianism, medicine and astronomy written by Chinese philosophers in ancient time. In later years, Liu Yuxi returned to Luoyang to spend his old age. Bai Juyi, also a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, also lived here. Bai Juyi said with a sigh that time passed easily, and he was already an old man. Therefore, he wrote a poem to Liu Yuxito express his sadness.

刘禹锡出身世家,从小就聪明勤奋,熟读儒家经典和医药、天文等诸子百家方面的书籍。晚年的刘禹锡回到洛阳生活,著名诗人白居易也在这里生活。白居易感叹时光飞逝,年华已去,因此还曾写诗向刘禹锡述怀。(杨佳欣 周金淼)

Web editor: Li Xiaoshu, Zhang Rui