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Henan in Poetry②丨Gongyi, birthplace of Du Fu

Source:dahe.cn | 2023-09-20 18:41

Henan in Poetry②丨Gongyi, birthplace of Du Fu

O peak of peaks, how high it stands!

One boundless green overspreads two states.

A marvel done by nature's hands,

Over light and shade it dominates.

Clouds rise there from and lave my breast;

I stretch my eyes to see birds fleet.

I will ascend the mountain's crest;

It dwarfs all peaks under my feet.





Du Fu, also known as Zimei, was born in Xiangyang,Hubei. He later moved to Gongyi, Henan. He gave himself a name of Shaoling Yelao. He was a great realist poet of the Tang Dynasty.Li Bai and he were called "Li and Du". In order to distinguish themfrom the other two poets,Li Shangyin and Du Mu, who were called "Junior Li and Du",Du Fu and Li Bai are also collectively referred to "Senior Li and Du",and Du Fu is often referred to as "Old Du".Later generations called him Du Shiyi,Du Gongbu, Du Shaoling and Du Caotang according to his official position and private cabinet.


Du Fu created famous poems such as On the Height, Spring View,Journey to the North,Three Officials and Three Departures.His poems reflected the reality of the society, and almost everything that happened in his life had been recorded in the form of poetry. The core of Du Fu's thought is the Confucian benevolent ideology. He has the grand ambition of assisting the ruler to adopt the ways of Emperor Yao and Shun and build an honest and peaceful society. Although Du Fu was not famous when he was alive, he later became well known and had a profound influence on Chinese and Japanese literature.Du Fu's influence in Chinese classical poetry is very far-reaching. He is reserved as a "Poetry Saint" by people, and his poems are called "Poetry History". Du Fu left some 1,500 poems, which have been collected in The Anthology of Du Gongbu.

杜甫创作了《登高》《春望》《北征》《三吏》《三别》等名作,他的诗歌具有强烈的现实性,他所生活的时代所发生的事情几乎都被他以诗歌的形式记录了下来。杜甫的思想核心是儒家的仁政思想,他有“致君尧舜上,再使风俗淳”的宏伟抱负。杜甫虽然在世时名声并不显赫,但后来声名远播,对中国文学和日本文学都产生了深远的影响。杜甫对中国古典诗歌的影响非常深远,被后人称为“诗圣”,他的诗被称为“诗史”。杜甫共有约 1500首诗歌被保留了下来,大多集于《杜工部集》。(杨佳欣)

Web editor: Li Xiaoshu, Zhang Rui


Henan in Poetry②丨Gongyi, birthplace of Du Fu

dahe.cn2023-09-20 18:41

Henan in Poetry②丨Gongyi, birthplace of Du Fu

O peak of peaks, how high it stands!

One boundless green overspreads two states.

A marvel done by nature's hands,

Over light and shade it dominates.

Clouds rise there from and lave my breast;

I stretch my eyes to see birds fleet.

I will ascend the mountain's crest;

It dwarfs all peaks under my feet.





Du Fu, also known as Zimei, was born in Xiangyang,Hubei. He later moved to Gongyi, Henan. He gave himself a name of Shaoling Yelao. He was a great realist poet of the Tang Dynasty.Li Bai and he were called "Li and Du". In order to distinguish themfrom the other two poets,Li Shangyin and Du Mu, who were called "Junior Li and Du",Du Fu and Li Bai are also collectively referred to "Senior Li and Du",and Du Fu is often referred to as "Old Du".Later generations called him Du Shiyi,Du Gongbu, Du Shaoling and Du Caotang according to his official position and private cabinet.


Du Fu created famous poems such as On the Height, Spring View,Journey to the North,Three Officials and Three Departures.His poems reflected the reality of the society, and almost everything that happened in his life had been recorded in the form of poetry. The core of Du Fu's thought is the Confucian benevolent ideology. He has the grand ambition of assisting the ruler to adopt the ways of Emperor Yao and Shun and build an honest and peaceful society. Although Du Fu was not famous when he was alive, he later became well known and had a profound influence on Chinese and Japanese literature.Du Fu's influence in Chinese classical poetry is very far-reaching. He is reserved as a "Poetry Saint" by people, and his poems are called "Poetry History". Du Fu left some 1,500 poems, which have been collected in The Anthology of Du Gongbu.

杜甫创作了《登高》《春望》《北征》《三吏》《三别》等名作,他的诗歌具有强烈的现实性,他所生活的时代所发生的事情几乎都被他以诗歌的形式记录了下来。杜甫的思想核心是儒家的仁政思想,他有“致君尧舜上,再使风俗淳”的宏伟抱负。杜甫虽然在世时名声并不显赫,但后来声名远播,对中国文学和日本文学都产生了深远的影响。杜甫对中国古典诗歌的影响非常深远,被后人称为“诗圣”,他的诗被称为“诗史”。杜甫共有约 1500首诗歌被保留了下来,大多集于《杜工部集》。(杨佳欣)

Web editor: Li Xiaoshu, Zhang Rui