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Henan's trendy enterprises | DFD leads in fluoride industry

Source:hihenan.cn | 2023-07-12 17:56

  Henan's trendy enterprises | DFD leads in fluoride industry

In recent years, Do-Fluoride New Energy Technology Co., Ltd (DFD) which is based in Jiaozuo, Henan, has broken the international monopoly and realized the comprehensive "self-manufacturing" of lithium hexafluorophosphate from product process to equipment, making China the second country toindependently produce crystal lithium hexafluorophosphate.

Since 2014, the production and sales volumes of lithium hexafluorophosphate from DFD have ranked first worldwide for eight consecutive years. One out of every three power lithium batteries in the world are made from thelithium hexafluorophosphate produced by DFD.

By 2022, DFD has applied for 1,012 patents and presided over the formulation and revision of more than 110 international, national and industrial standards.

From a district-level small company to the "hidden champion" in both fields of global fluoride materials and new energy, DFD has stopped “following” others but started “leading” in the R&D and production of the international fluoride material sector.

Web editor: Shen Jianqi, Zhang Rui


Henan's trendy enterprises | DFD leads in fluoride industry

hihenan.cn2023-07-12 17:56

  Henan's trendy enterprises | DFD leads in fluoride industry

In recent years, Do-Fluoride New Energy Technology Co., Ltd (DFD) which is based in Jiaozuo, Henan, has broken the international monopoly and realized the comprehensive "self-manufacturing" of lithium hexafluorophosphate from product process to equipment, making China the second country toindependently produce crystal lithium hexafluorophosphate.

Since 2014, the production and sales volumes of lithium hexafluorophosphate from DFD have ranked first worldwide for eight consecutive years. One out of every three power lithium batteries in the world are made from thelithium hexafluorophosphate produced by DFD.

By 2022, DFD has applied for 1,012 patents and presided over the formulation and revision of more than 110 international, national and industrial standards.

From a district-level small company to the "hidden champion" in both fields of global fluoride materials and new energy, DFD has stopped “following” others but started “leading” in the R&D and production of the international fluoride material sector.

Web editor: Shen Jianqi, Zhang Rui