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International students learning Tai Chi① | The first experience of Tai Chi

Source:hihenan.cn | 2023-07-06 10:29

  International students learning Tai Chi ① | The first experience of Tai Chi

The Chinese Kung Fu (Tai Chi Chuan) International Promotion “Invite In”Activity Training Camp was held in Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City of Henan Province, with over 60 international students joining in this activity. In the first day, the Tai Chi coaches demonstrated how the movement of "push hands" worked, making the international students feel the softness as well as the power of Tai Chi. How do they feel about their first experience of Tai Chi? Click on the video to know more!

Web editor: Li Xiaoshu, Zhang Rui


International students learning Tai Chi① | The first experience of Tai Chi

hihenan.cn2023-07-06 10:29

  International students learning Tai Chi ① | The first experience of Tai Chi

The Chinese Kung Fu (Tai Chi Chuan) International Promotion “Invite In”Activity Training Camp was held in Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City of Henan Province, with over 60 international students joining in this activity. In the first day, the Tai Chi coaches demonstrated how the movement of "push hands" worked, making the international students feel the softness as well as the power of Tai Chi. How do they feel about their first experience of Tai Chi? Click on the video to know more!

Web editor: Li Xiaoshu, Zhang Rui