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China's First Homegrown Oral Pill for COVID-19 Put into Production

Source:dahe.cn | 2022-08-02 16:27

China's First Homegrown Oral Pill for COVID-19 Put into Production



A ceremony marking the commencement of production of Azvudine, China's first homegrown small-molecule oral pill targeting adult COVID-19 patients with moderate symptoms, was held at Genuine Biotech Co Ltd based in Pingdingshan city of Henan province on August 2.

大河网讯 8月2日上午,新冠口服药阿兹夫定片投产仪式在平顶山市城乡一体化示范区河南真实生物科技有限公司举行,标志着我国自主研发的首款口服小分子新冠病毒肺炎治疗药物正式开始生产。


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The production of Azvudine is bound to play a significant role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide and boosting the development of biomedical industry across China. Chang Junbiao, a professor at Zhengzhou University and a leading researcher of the pill, said that clinical trials show that Azvudine is effective against COVID-19 since the genetic material of COVID-19 is RNA and the drug has broad-spectrum antiviral effects against various RNA viruses.

真实生物阿兹夫定片的投产,对于抗击全球新冠肺炎疫情、推动河南及中国生物医药产业发展将起到重要作用。据郑州大学教授常俊标介绍,阿兹夫定具有广谱抑制RNA病毒复制的作用,新冠病毒同属RNA作为遗传物质的病毒,经临床试验证明,该药物对新冠病毒有良好的抑制作用。(中文来源/大河网 文图/蔡长伟 王冰珂 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 审校/张军平)


China's First Homegrown Oral Pill for COVID-19 Put into Production

dahe.cn2022-08-02 16:27

China's First Homegrown Oral Pill for COVID-19 Put into Production



A ceremony marking the commencement of production of Azvudine, China's first homegrown small-molecule oral pill targeting adult COVID-19 patients with moderate symptoms, was held at Genuine Biotech Co Ltd based in Pingdingshan city of Henan province on August 2.

大河网讯 8月2日上午,新冠口服药阿兹夫定片投产仪式在平顶山市城乡一体化示范区河南真实生物科技有限公司举行,标志着我国自主研发的首款口服小分子新冠病毒肺炎治疗药物正式开始生产。


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The production of Azvudine is bound to play a significant role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide and boosting the development of biomedical industry across China. Chang Junbiao, a professor at Zhengzhou University and a leading researcher of the pill, said that clinical trials show that Azvudine is effective against COVID-19 since the genetic material of COVID-19 is RNA and the drug has broad-spectrum antiviral effects against various RNA viruses.

真实生物阿兹夫定片的投产,对于抗击全球新冠肺炎疫情、推动河南及中国生物医药产业发展将起到重要作用。据郑州大学教授常俊标介绍,阿兹夫定具有广谱抑制RNA病毒复制的作用,新冠病毒同属RNA作为遗传物质的病毒,经临床试验证明,该药物对新冠病毒有良好的抑制作用。(中文来源/大河网 文图/蔡长伟 王冰珂 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 审校/张军平)