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【双语新闻】郑州抗疫168小时! 感谢一起守护这个城市的每一个人!

Source:dahe.cn | 2022-05-11 19:25

Zhengzhou's Last 168 Hours of Combating COVID-19

郑州抗疫168小时! 感谢一起守护这个城市的每一个人!


The "static management" policy implemented in Zhengzhou's main urban areas on May 4 is to be adjusted on May 11, according to a statement released by the city's epidemic control and prevention headquarters on the evening of May 10. Over the past 7 days, Zhengzhou has achieved staged progress in combating COVID-19.

大河网讯 5月10日晚,郑州市新冠肺炎疫情防控指挥部办公室发布通告,从5月11日零时起,调整主城区疫情防控措施。一周时间,郑州疫情防控形势取得了阶段性重要成果。

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Over the past 168 hours, 7,840 medical staff across the province provided medical aid for Zhengzhou, and 328,894 volunteers of 4,976 volunteer teams offered 3,747,700-hour hearty services in Zhengzhou's fight against COVID-19 resurgence. Besides, such a staged progress could not be achieved without the support of 13 million people in Zhengzhou. Thanks for those who are protecting our city.

在刚刚过去的168个小时里,全省各地市共有7840名“大白”支援郑州, 全市4976支志愿服务队投入行动,累计招募志愿者328894名,累计提供志愿服务时长374.77万小时。还有1300万郑州人的坚守,感谢一起守护这个城市的每一个人!(策划:王曦辉 张培君 文案:娄恒 拍摄:范昭 牧堃 杨鑫阳 李彤 李思豫 马绍坤 王双飞 制作:杨鑫阳 编译:赵汉青 审校:焦丹)


【双语新闻】郑州抗疫168小时! 感谢一起守护这个城市的每一个人!

dahe.cn2022-05-11 19:25

Zhengzhou's Last 168 Hours of Combating COVID-19

郑州抗疫168小时! 感谢一起守护这个城市的每一个人!


The "static management" policy implemented in Zhengzhou's main urban areas on May 4 is to be adjusted on May 11, according to a statement released by the city's epidemic control and prevention headquarters on the evening of May 10. Over the past 7 days, Zhengzhou has achieved staged progress in combating COVID-19.

大河网讯 5月10日晚,郑州市新冠肺炎疫情防控指挥部办公室发布通告,从5月11日零时起,调整主城区疫情防控措施。一周时间,郑州疫情防控形势取得了阶段性重要成果。

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Over the past 168 hours, 7,840 medical staff across the province provided medical aid for Zhengzhou, and 328,894 volunteers of 4,976 volunteer teams offered 3,747,700-hour hearty services in Zhengzhou's fight against COVID-19 resurgence. Besides, such a staged progress could not be achieved without the support of 13 million people in Zhengzhou. Thanks for those who are protecting our city.

在刚刚过去的168个小时里,全省各地市共有7840名“大白”支援郑州, 全市4976支志愿服务队投入行动,累计招募志愿者328894名,累计提供志愿服务时长374.77万小时。还有1300万郑州人的坚守,感谢一起守护这个城市的每一个人!(策划:王曦辉 张培君 文案:娄恒 拍摄:范昭 牧堃 杨鑫阳 李彤 李思豫 马绍坤 王双飞 制作:杨鑫阳 编译:赵汉青 审校:焦丹)