President of Phetchaburi Rajabhat University visits Shaolin Temple
President of Phetchaburi Rajabhat University visits Shaolin Temple
禅宗祖庭再迎嘉宾。2023年5月28日下午,泰国碧武里皇家大学校长Sanor Klinngam博士一行,在省体育总会副主席、省围棋协会主席马望,省围棋协会副秘书长刘学中等人陪同下,参访天下第一名刹少林寺。
Zhengzhou, May 28 – A deputy led by the President of the Phetchaburi Rajabhat University in Thailand visited Shaolin Temple on the afternoon of May 28, 2023. The visit is accompanied by Ma Wang, Vice Chairman of the Henan Provincial Sports Federation and Chairman of the Henan Weiqi Association (HWA), and Liu Xuezhong, Deputy Secretary General of the HWA.
28日,细雨绵绵,苍松翠柏环绕下的少林寺更加幽静,一到石雕牌坊前,Sanor Klinngam博士便被眼前古朴深邃的意境吸引,立即与随行人员合影留念。
With mountains at the back, Shaolin Temple has a dense growth of evergreen trees. Dr. Sanor Klingam was attracted by the quiet and simple mood and style in the fine rain and invited the delegation to take group photos as soon as he arrived at the memorial archway.
在二祖庵庵主、少林棋院院长释延勇引导下,Sanor Klinngam博士一行沿着层级主干道走入这座千年古寺,一边观看,一边听释延勇介绍少林寺历史,悉心感受博大精深的少林文化。在二祖庵卓锡泉,Sanor Klinngam博士驻足良久,显然,他对千年前慧可舍身求法的故事颇感兴趣;在少林棋院,Sanor Klinngam博士一行多次向释延勇询问少林围棋、少林禅修等少林文化。
Guided by Shi Yanyong, abbot of the Second Ancestor Buddhist Convent and director of the Shaolin Weiqi Institute, the delegation led by Dr. Sanor Klingam walked into the Temple. While watching, they listened to Shi's introduction to the history of the Buddhist Monastery and its historical architectural complex. Dr. Sanor Klingam carefully looked at Zhuoxiquan Spring in the Buddhist Convent and learned about the story of Huike, who the legend says cut off his arm to show his determination and devotion to the teachings of his master Bodhidharma; At the Shaolin Weiqi Institute, Dr. Sanor Klingham inquired about Shaolin cultures, such as Shaolin Weiqi and Chan Buddhism.
作为中华武术的正宗和东方禅武文化的代表,西方圣人殿内练武站桩坑给嘉宾们留下深刻印象。Sanor Klinngam博士饶有兴致地观察站桩坑,阅读殿前摆放的少林武术图书,高兴地说:“少林功夫气势不凡,名不虚传!”
As the birthplace of Chan Buddhism and the cradle of Shaolin Kung Fu, the Temple's Bodhidharma Pavilion has left a deep impression on the guests. Dr. Sanor Klingam observed the pits formed by monks practicing Kang Fu with great interest, read the Shaolin Kang Fu books before the hall, and happily said, "Shaolin Kung Fu deserves its reputation."
“实地参访名刹少林,真是一次难得的经历,”参观后,Sanor Klinngam博士感慨不已。他说,这里不仅有驰名中外、“禅武合一”的中国功夫,还有传承千年绵延不断的棋禅文化,虽从影视、书籍中对少林寺早有了解,但百闻不如一见。他还真诚地表示,这是他第一次来到中原大地,深度体验少林文化,回泰国后会鼓励师生也来河南看看,感受禅宗祖庭的千年风采。
After the visit, Dr. Sanor Klingam said this was an awe-inspiring trip. There is renowned Chinese Kung Fu and time-honored Weiqi culture. Although he understood the Shaolin Temple from movies, TV shows, and books, the on-site visit was even more remarkable than seen on TV. He added that this was his first-time visiting Henan Province and Shaolin Temple. After returning to Thailand, he would encourage teachers and students to visit Henan to understand its flourishing culture.
Web editor: Shen Jianqi, Tong Lin