HWA's forth council meeting stressed high-quality development of Henan Weiqi
HWA's forth council meeting stressed high-quality development of Henan Weiqi
On February 26th, the fourth council meeting of the second session of the Henan Weiqi Association (HWA) was held in Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. The meeting stressed making greater contributions to revitalizing Henan Weiqi and helping build a strong province in sports through using Party building initiatives, upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, adopting procedure-based institutions, and striving to overcome all difficulties.
In 2022, the HWA worked hard to implement its annual work plan and made outstanding achievements. The HWA was rated at 4A level in Henan Provincial NGOs Assessment organized by the Civil Affairs Department of Henan, becoming the only one that won this honor in Henan's sports institutions. Dr. Ma Wang, chairman of the HWA, was elected Vice Chairman of the Henan Sports Federation and member of the Executive Committee of China Weiqi Association.
Yan Jingbo, Director of the Institutional Reform Department of Henan Development and Reform Commission, Huang Jinxian, Honorary Chairman of the HWA, Ma Wang, and others of the HWA attended the meeting.
During the meeting, attendees watched the work video of HWA in 2022, the heads of all departments reported on their work, and the attendees adopted the 2022 financial work report and the 2023 financial budget report. Many outstanding groups and individuals in 2022 were awarded. Moreover, Yuan Xi, Mu Baolin, Wan Yu, and Ding Wei were elected as vice chairmen of the HWA, He Xin as executive deputy secretary-general, Qu Huichuan and other three as executive directors, and Shang Zhicheng and 15 others as directors. Chairman Ma also delivered the work report, and attendees adopted it.
马望主席强调,2023年是河南围棋事业发展的关键性一年,河南省围棋协会将一如既往地坚持既定方针,全力开展以下重点工作: 一是以创建模范党建工作协会为目标,引领协会全面工作高质量发展;二是继续在承办好“国手赛”、“晚报杯”、“荷花杯”等全国大赛和省内传统赛事、全力打造有影响力的品牌赛事的同时,积极参加国内外各大赛事,争取优异成绩;三是打造融媒体全方位宣传平台,营造发展环境,提升服务能力;四是多措并举,进一步加强河南竞技围棋队伍建设;五是巩固和扩大围棋国际交流成果,展示河南靓丽形象;六是推动围棋文化项目加快实施,完成《中华源•河南故事•围棋》等著作的出版,召开国际围棋文化中原论坛等。
Ma said that 2023 is important in the development of Henan Weiqi. He stressed continuing to promote the high-quality development of the HWA through hosting various Weiqi competitions, creating an all-media communication platform, expanding the international exchanges, and accelerating the implementation of the Weiqi culture projects.
Web editor: Shen Jianqi, Tong Lin